Star Trek 860: The Argon Affair!

860. The Argon Affair!

PUBLICATION: Star Trek #38, DC Comics, May 1987

CREATORS: Michael Fleisher (writer), Adam Kubert and Ricardo Villagran (artists)

STARDATE: 3847.5 (just after The Deadly Years)

PLOT: In this tale from the past, the Enterprise fights and captures Argon pirates. During extensive repairs at starbase, Kirk visits some old ruins and falls upon a young she-devil called Connie McQueen escaping from Argons. He helps her escape and fight the ape-like aliens, and they end up sucking face (of course). Apparently, they murdered her father and she's out for revenge. We discover it was all a ploy however when she and Kirk are beamed to the Enterprise. She sabotages the ship, but Kirk is on to her and the Argons are defeated once more. He confesses to having been totally fooled by her, but that he still treated her like any outsider and had extra security measures put in place. Burned once and all that.

CONTINUITY: George Stocker commands the starbase (The Deadly Years).


PANEL OF THE DAY - Argons--WHAT. (Bear in mind that the ones raiding the planet do have clothes.)
REVIEW: First, a few words on this early Adam Kubert art. Well, it doesn't look like anything special, though it's decent. Good posing and new aliens, but nothing of his own style yet (or else Villagran makes it his own with his inks). As for the story, I wasn't too keen on another Michael Fleisher script. This owes a lot more to his Marvel issues than to the DC series it's supposed to be a part of. It's out of sequence from the rest of the series, of course, but beyond that, it uses stale storytelling tricks like the big "ha-HA!" twist at the end that must be explained via info-dump. The characters are asked to do and say what they usually do and say, right down to the old final speech about Kirk being married to his ship. Nothing we haven't seen before. Except the Argons'... uhm, tails?
