One Panel #283-284: Gas Masks

Apparel for the Golden Ager on the go:
From Superman: "The Hand of Morpheus" by Jerry Siegel and Jack Burnley, Action Comics #31 (December 1940)

Lois and Clerk in gas masks is one of the loopiest things I've seen today. And I keep a pretty strict diet of loopy. But y'know, there's only one hero whose brand is the gas mask...

From Sandman: "The Crook Who Knew the Sandman's Identity" by Gardner Fox, Creig Flessel and Chad Grothkopf, Adventure Comics #56 (December 1940)

Yes, Wesley Dodd, the Sandman. Though I prefer the WWI style, we can't argue even the sleek designed version wasn't an original one when it came to masks. I also love how color is dropped on the panel without pencils, just for effect. You don't think of Golden Age comics pulling tricks like this, but they totally did.
